Our Services

  • PT Evaluation & Treatment

    Evaluations are the perfect way to determine your child's movement strengths and areas that need a little work. Our evaluation process is extensive, consisting of a thorough medical history, physical examination with testing the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal system, including strength, balance and coordination, developmental milestones, reflexes, endurance, orthopedic conditions, and functional mobility. A personalized treatment plan will then be created with your child's individual needs in mind, and always in conjunction with the care goals and needs of the parent and family.

    PT treatments consist of carrying out of the plan developed at the evaluation, with constant updates applied as needed. Treatments include tools and strategies obtained over nearly 2 decades of pediatric PT experience, including DMI when appropriate.

  • PT Intensives

    A Physical Therapy Intensive is just what it sounds like- an intense number of treatment hours in a row to target a few specific goals. Intensives usually are 2-3 hours a day for 1-3 weeks, and begin with a thorough evaluation and creation of a plan of care that addresses the family's care goals.

    Intensives utilize the concept of neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to be "plastic" or "change" with repetitive movements and experiences.

    PT intensives take place in our private clinic, or in the comfort of your home and use numerous strategies including DMI when appropriate.

  • Durable Medical Equipment

    Getting the right equipment is paramount in the daily function of your child and family. At Blue Bee Collective, you will receive a thorough evaluation including your child's physical needs, your lifestyle and desires, and recommendations will be made by myself and top ATP's in the industry. You will then have the time and freedom to decide what equipment is right for you.

    We handle it all, the evaluation, paperwork, billing, and delivery of the equipment right to your home.

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